Trailer: Mariano Gobbi
July 2011. A far right terrorist has just massacred sixty-nine people, most of them students attending a Norwegian Labour Party Youth’s summer camp on the island of Utoya.
A searing reflection on the domestic effects of societal trauma, Utoya offers a timely consideration of how tragedy can both bind people together and pull them further apart. This production is a UK Premiere from leading Italian writer Edoardo Erba.
Utoya run at Arcola Theatre from 13 to 31 August 2024.
“Erba’s razor-sharp script […] and Sarah Stacey’s direction provides the perfect mix of crystal clear and mildly disorienting storytelling.”
Sarah Stacey, ratcheting up the tensions between the blackouts that move us from one pair to the next
This fascinating, multi-layered play by Edoardo Erba is crisply directed by Sarah Stacey and beautifully performed by Kate Reid and Marco Young.
Utoya, Kate Reid and Marco Young, Arcola Theatre, August 2024

Photo: Mariano Gobbi
Utoya is supported by Sue Whitley OBE, Guy Stobart, Sue Heathcote and Bill Heathcote, Buvini Kularatne, WellTax, Anglo-Norse Society, Maria Bjӧrnson Memorial Fund, Com.It.Es di Londra, Italian Cultural Institute, Unity Theatre Trust, Cambridge Online Tutors, Marc and Rachel Polonsky and Sir Ian McKellen.